Location: Town of Dongsong, Cheorwon, Korea
Program: Pyongsang Maru Design-Build + Cheorwon Future Vision Workshopp
Team: Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies DMZ Studio




Everyday Space Workshop is a place making and place envisioning installation and event. Through a collaborative effort between the students from Seoul National University, local officials, the army, local residents and shop owners, the project will design, build, and install a public space in the Dongsong Traditional Market to facilitate gathering, meeting and discussions on the future vision of Cheorwon.

DMZ adjacent regions have been under strict military control and economic development have been highly restrained. Instead DMZ tourism has become high priority but the development and plans are based on one time spectacles of the ‘Highly Militarized Zone’ and lack sustainability for the region. Also despite the fact that Cheorwon is the stopping point in the migration path of the endangered Red-Crowned Cranes due to the rich ecological habitat of the Cheorwon Plains, there is conflict between the environmentalists’ push for protection zones and the desire for development and economic viability by the local farmers and residents.

Everyday Space Workshop is an attempt to re-envision the DMZ through the possibilities and opportunities that exist in the daily lives of the community to address the conflicts and negotiations of development, conservation and sustainability. Rather than the branded images of the DMZ as spectacle, we propose to focus on the normalcy of the everyday to build the infrastructural hardware and software platform for everyday discussions and interactions.

Everyday Space Workshop is twofold. Part one consists of the design, build and installation of modular benches, partitions and planters at the entry of the Dongsong Traditional Market. The installation will become the site for the community workshop event and exhibition and will stay permanently as a rest and gathering area for the local shoppers and shop owners of the market. Part two is the community participatory masterplan workshop event that will involve approximately 25 students, 15 locals, 3 local officials and 3 specialists. Three groups representing civilian residents, the army, and the tourism industry will each develop a model that envisions a 5 year, 10 year, 50 year, 100 year scenario and vision for the area between Old Cheorwon-si and the DMZ.


The project is funded by the Unification Research Platform Building Project at Seoul National University and organized by the Environmental Planning Institute at the Graduate School of Environmental Design.


Project Director: 
Yehre Suh / SNU GSES Assistant Professor of Urban Design
Saehoon Kim / SNU GSES Assistant Professor of Urban Design

Project Design: Yehre Suh
Project Design Team: Hyukkwun Jang

Project Manager:
Seeeun Cho / SNU GSES Department of Landscape Architecture Ph.D candidate
Hyukkwun Jang / SNU GSES Department of Landscape Architecture

Participating Students:
SNU GSES Dept. of Urban Planning / Minji Kim, Sanyoo Moon, Heeyeung Meng, Jeehyun Kim, Chaeeun Jun
SNU GSES Dept. of Landscape Architecture / Sunah Gwak, Minji Gil, Eunjung Gil, Minkyoung Kim, Juyoung Lee, Saeyoung Hwang, Yongjin Kim, Sungkyoung Pak, Yehlin Pak, Cholong Paik, Jongho Yim, Jaeeun Cho
SNU Graduate Program in Urban Design / Youngjoon Pak, Jihae Min, Soyoung Lee
SNU Dept. of Architecture / Wunki Kang, Daeun Kim, Taehwan Kim, Yoojung So, Yunjoong Jung