Program Installations

Download Zip. File: Program Installations

Log into your computer as Administrator.

  1. Open folder: 1A_Grasshopper_Installer
  2. Start Rhino 5.0 (64-bit)
  3. Double-click grasshopper_0.9.76.0.rhp file to run the installation.
  4. Restart Rhino.
  5. Grasshopper should now be installed and you should be able to run the Grasshopper command.
  6. Drag and drop ShatterInt file into the Grasshopper window.
  7. Open folder: 1B_Radiance_Daysim_EnergyPlus_Installer and run all 3 installations.  For radiance installation, edit the File Path to be: C:\Radiance
  8. Open folder: 1C_Ladybug_Installer.  Drag and drop all userObject files onto the grasshopper canvas.
  9. Open folder: 1D_TTToolbox_1.6.  Move the folder ‘TT Toolbox’ to your local grasshopper components folder, that can be located by typing “GrasshopperFolders” in Rhino command line and then Select “Component”
  10. Restart Rhino.



Rhinoceros – Interface

Open Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit). Type Units to check the unit properties of the document. For our class, we will want the following settings: Model units: Meters / Absolute tolerance: 0.001 / Display precision: 1.000

Basic Interface Introduction: Menus, basic commands, snap settings (Ortho, Osnap, Gumball)



Rhinoceros – 2d + 3d


Importing images into Rhino (PictureFrame, Scale, Lock)

Basic drawing and modeling commands, layer organization



Rhinoceros – Making orthographic drawings, Axonometrics

Make2d To make plan, elevation drawings of a 3d model.

Current View  Creates the 2-D drawing from only the currently active view.

4 View (USA)  Creates four views with US (third angle) layout, using world-coordinate orthographic projections (not view or construction plane directions of current viewports).

Check Options:  Show hidden lines / Maintain source lines



Rhinoceros – Making Axonometrics

Past Student Work
Past Student Work
  1. Select model elements you want to make as a drawing, in Rhino.
  2. Paste one of the following scripts in the Command Line:  !_Select _Pause _SetActiveViewport Top _Rotate 0 45 _SetActiveViewport Right _Shear w0 w0,0,1 -45 _SetActiveViewport Top _Zoom _All _Extents
  • You can edit the second number after _Rotate to alter the rotation of the axon.  i.e. _Rotate 0 0 / _Rotate 0 30 / _Rotate 0 60
  1. You will see the model rotates and skews to make an axon in your TOP view.  In Top view, Make2D this skewed model. SelLast will select your most recently modified/created objects.
  2. With the 2D drawing you want to print selected, select Export Selected under File. Save as dwg.

*You will want to Undo these axon steps before you save your file as your model has skewed in form.

Perspective View – Viewport properties – Camera Lens Length / Parallel Projection



Rhinoceros – Cutting Sections/ Plans

ClipplingPlane  To visualize model in section or plan.

Gumball  To move the cutline.

Section To create a section or plan cut.

SelLast  To select the cut you just made.

Find the viewport in which you can see the cut and Make2d.



Rhino to Illustrator – Scaling Drawings to Print

Importing in Illustrator

  • File — New — Size: A3 landscape paper size (420mm x 297 mm)
  • File — Place — DXF/DWG Options: Select Scale to Fit Artboard

Layer Organization:  Select —  Same —  Fill & Stroke

Line weights  General rule of thumb for good line weight distinction: 1 : 2 : 4 : 8 ratio looks good.  i.e. 0.1 pt, 0.25 pt, 0.5 pt, 1 pt

Line types, Print



1.1 Take-home Assignment: 2D Drawing & 3D Modeling

Issued: Sept. 4, 2015.  Due: Sept. 11, 2015


To Do’s:

  1. Make a 3D model of the Slow House per instructions.
  2. Make a top view and two elevations with hidden lines shown (i.e. interior elevation information can be shown as dashed lines).
  3. Make one axonometric.
  4. Make one long section and one short section.
  5. Layout your six drawings in Rhino considering ways to construct relationships between drawings.
  6. Notate your drawings (i.e. plans should show the section cuts), and construction lines as you see fit.
  7. Figure out a suitable page scale in Rhino. You may consider tiling your composition across 2 or 3 pages, but avoid having paper edges interrupt your drawings.
  8. Import into Illustrator and adjust line weights and types in Illustrator. Do a test print to check whether your line weights are good for the scale of your drawings.

Deliverables:  Print your to-scale drawing composition on A3 sheet(s).