Download today’s class file : CLASS_05_IMPORTING_GIS
The KOR_Inchon_Kwangju_weather zip. file has weather data we will use throughout the semester. The data has been downloaded from
Site Assignments
Open the file and open the CAD file, and we will look at our Bogwang-dong site together and assign your 200m X 200m sites. The outer 1200m X 1200m square is the area in which you will make your urban scale site analysis diagrams using UNA (Urban Network Analysis) later on.
Preparing GIS data for import in ArcMAP
Seoul GIS will be saved on your computer desktops in a folder named “GIS_SEOUL”.
For this demo, we will be working with 7 layers of info:
- 표고점 / terrain altitude points
- 지하철출구 / subway station entry points
- 건물 / buildings
- 등고선(전체) / contours
- 도로경계선 / road borders
- 인도 / paving
- 녹지(기타) / green areas
- Go to START > PROGRAMS > ARCGIS > ARCMAP. In the dialogue box that opens, go to “NEW MAPS” and select Blank Map and click “OK.”
- To add data to the map project, click on the Add Data button, which is located beneath the “Selection” tab.
A dialogue will appear, allowing you to navigate to the data files you want to add as layers of your map. We will create a new Folder Connection to link our “GIS_SEOUL” folder. After this is done, continue to add all the .shp files in the GIS_SEOUL folder using the “ADD DATA” button.
- Under the “Insert” tab, there is a Select Features Using “Select by Rectangle”, select a region slightly larger than the outer 1200M square drawn in the CAD file. Make sure all .shp files are turned when you do this selection.
- With the region selected, for each layer (on the left-hand side under Table of Contents), right-click layer> Selection > Create Layer From Selected Features. You will see these 7 new layers appear at the top your Layers list. Now turn off the original layers and only have your new Selection layers on.
- Right click your 표고점 selection layer and select Open Attributes Table. We will right-click the X_cor tab and the Y_cor tab and run Calculate Geometry. Click OK and YES in the opening dialogue.
- Open an Excel sheet. Back in ArcMAP, Ctrl+A to highlight all the data in the table. Right-click one of the tabs on the left-hand column and select Copy Selected. Then Ctr+V to paste this information into your excel sheet. Make a new folder in your desktop as “GIS_SEOUL_BOGWANG”. Save your Excel file as a 텍스트 탭으로 분리 (*.txt) text file in this new folder.
- Repeat steps 5 -6 for the 지하철출구 selection…But before saving this one, right-click the X_coordina and Y_coordina columns on the right-hand side and Delete Field (File>Add Field is useful to know if you were to add more data). Now you should have 2 text files. Relabel the extension of your text files from .txt to .tsv.
- Now we will edit the 건물 selection Right-click and Open Attributes Table. Let’s check-out the various building information we have. After similarly copying the data into Excel, save as a Excel File.
- For the remaining layers (등고선(전체) selection, 도로경계선 selection, 인도selection, 녹지(기타) selection) as well as the 건물 selection layer, we will export as .shp files by right-clicking the layer>Data>Export Data… Adjust the folder connection so it saves to your “GIS_SEOUL_BOGWANG” folder on your desktop. You will now have 5 new shape files.
Using UNA to import GIS data into Rhino
- First, install UNA toolbox (plugin for Rhino) by opening and double-clicking the UNAToolbox.rhi, and then restart Rhino. Open a new Rhino file File>New>Large Objects – Meters.3dm
- Using UNA’s Import points, we will import our point data: altitude and station entrance .tsv files. We will assign the x,y,z-values to all be read from Excel. Separate the two layers in Rhino as you import.
- Using Rhino’s Patch command we will make a terrain using the altitude points. You may see some dips in the terrain, where some points have erroneous height values. Hide these points, and then redo your Patch.
- In the AutoCAD file of our site – select and copy the road network center lines (AD002) and the site assignment grid (00_BOUNDARY). Open a new CAD file, adjust units to Meters, and paste by right-click>Clipboard>Paste to Original Coordinates.
- Then we will Import this new file into our Rhino file, and the location will align. Lock the 00_Boundary layer. Select the AD002 layer and Project onto terrain. Adjust project settings for DeleteInput=YES. Join the projected curves. We will use the Grasshopper component ShatterINT to shatter these curves at their intersections.
*Zeeheon will do a short demo about how this road network layer can be used later on for UNA analysis. We will be doing more UNA in week 12.
- We will import our shape files (excluding the building shape file) using Grasshopper’s Import SHP component, and similarly project onto our surface terrain, and deleting the original curves.
Modeling Building Heights – Excel to Grasshopper
This part follows Zeeheon’s 3rd video for Week 5. We will be using Grasshopper’s Import SHP and ReadXL component to import the buildings shape file and buildings excel file. In Grasshopper, we will first move these curves in the z-direction so they are sitting just below the terrain. Then we will extrude these curves using the floor number data in the excel sheet.
If there are some erroneous-looking heights, you can check their accuracy using VWorld.
Take-home Assignment
In ArcMap try out the following tutorials using the GIS data files regarding the given 1200×1200 site in Bogwangdong.
- Making a Map File in ArcMap
- How to Align Layers
- Exporting Layers to CAD
- Laying Out and Exporting Your Map as a Vector Drawing
- Tips When Exporting into Illustrator
- 3D Site Model from GIS
Compose each mapping using ArcMap on an A3 sheet to scale, and notate your drawings. And export to illustrator for post production edits.
Deliverables: Printout of map diagrams (as many as needed).