Assisting Red Hook Initiative, Brooklyn NY for spatial needs analysis and planning.
Assisting Red Hook Initiative, Brooklyn NY for spatial needs analysis and planning.
Assisting Red Hook Initiative, Brooklyn NY for spatial needs analysis and planning.
Assisting Red Hook Initiative, Brooklyn NY for spatial needs analysis and planning.
Schematic Design Development for Hoek Place in Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY
Schematic Design Development for Hoek Place in Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY
Invited as one of three participating architects to the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale Korean Pavilion in 2023
Invited as one of three participating architects to the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale Korean Pavilion in 2023
Urban Terrain Lab’s <Ruin as Future | Future as Ruins> installation opens at the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 Korean Pavilion.
Urban Terrain Lab’s <Ruin as Future | Future as Ruins> installation opens at the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 Korean Pavilion.
Urban Terrains Lab project selected for the NYC EDC Mass Timber Studio Incubator Grant
Urban Terrains Lab project selected for the NYC EDC Mass Timber Studio Incubator Grant
Urban Terrains Lab to present Hoek Place at the NYCEDC Mass Timber Studio event at the Center for Architecture, April 29, 2024
Urban Terrains Lab to present Hoek Place at the NYCEDC Mass Timber Studio event at the Center for Architecture, April 29, 2024
Working with ArtPost360 for a new Artist Residency program space in Little Falls, NY
Working with ArtPost360 for a new Artist Residency program space in Little Falls, NY
Assisting with Brooklyn NY Red Hook Initiative‘s COVID Reopening Plans
Assisting with Brooklyn NY Red Hook Initiative‘s COVID Reopening Plans
Zoom Zoom House In Progress
Zoom Zoom House In Progress
Yehre Suh selected as 1 of 21 architect/landscape architect/urban designers to participate in the <Space Doctor> program sponsored by the Seoul Housing and Communities Corporation(SH). 서울도
Yehre Suh selected as 1 of 21 architect/landscape architect/urban designers to participate in the <Space Doctor> program sponsored by the Seoul Housing and Communities Corporation(SH).
서울도시주택공사의 <공간닥터> 프로그램의 21명 참가 건축가/조경건축가/도시설계가 중 한명으로 선정.
The project aims to regenerate public spatial infrastructures of 21 old public housing complexes in Seoul. Yehre Suh will be responsible for the Suseo 1 Public Housing Complex in Gangnam-gu.
서울시 21개 노후 임대아파트 단지의 외부공간 환경개선을 통한 공간복지 방안들을 제안하고자 한다.
서예례는 강남구의 수서1단지를 맡게 된다.
Yehre Suh to present at Storefront for Art and Architecture on April 20, 2019, Sat as part of the <Project DMZ: 30 Years After> Symposium with Kyong Park.
Yehre Suh to present at Storefront for Art and Architecture on April 20, 2019, Sat as part of the <Project DMZ: 30 Years After> Symposium with Kyong Park.
Wing House pours foundation
Wing House pours foundation
<Storage Sharing> project featured in OBS News
<Storage Sharing> project featured in OBS News
<Storage Sharing> Opening Event on March 16th, 2018 at the SNU StartUp Campus Nokdu.Zip.
<Storage Sharing> Opening Event on March 16th, 2018 at the SNU StartUp Campus Nokdu.Zip.
Wing House In Progress
Wing House In Progress
“The Myth of the Liberation Machine, Love, Home, and ‘Good’ Atmosphere: Architecture of Affective Labor and Living Space”, published in <Open Architecture>, Fall 2017. &#
“The Myth of the Liberation Machine, Love, Home, and ‘Good’ Atmosphere: Architecture of Affective Labor and Living Space”, published in <Open Architecture>, Fall 2017.
“해방기계, 사랑, 가정, 그리고 ‘좋은’ 에트모스피어의 신화: 정동적 노동과 주거공간의 건축” <건축평단> 2017년 가을호 출간
Yehre Suh invited as speaker for the <DMZ and Border Spaces as Landscape, Reflection and Imagination> at Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies.
Yehre Suh invited as speaker for the <DMZ and Border Spaces as Landscape, Reflection and Imagination> at Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies.
Urban Terrain Lab’s SeoulReCycle project published in TECH M magazine, in the September 2017 issue.
Urban Terrain Lab’s SeoulReCycle project published in TECH M magazine, in the September 2017 issue.
Yehre Suh invited as panel for Pyongyang Exhibition talk for SIBAU at the DDP, Seoul.
Yehre Suh invited as panel for Pyongyang Exhibition talk for SIBAU at the DDP, Seoul.
Urban Terrains Lab’s SeoulReCycle project exhibited at the Seoul International Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in Doneuimun Village, Seoul, 17.09.01-11.05
Urban Terrains Lab’s SeoulReCycle project exhibited at the Seoul International Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in Doneuimun Village, Seoul, 17.09.01-11.05
Yehre Suh’s <“Seoul Arboretum” and “Seoullo 7017”: The Spatial Picturesque of Arboretums and Walkways> published in the July 2017 issue of Landscape Architecture Ko
Yehre Suh’s <“Seoul Arboretum” and “Seoullo 7017”: The Spatial Picturesque of Arboretums and Walkways> published in the July 2017 issue of Landscape Architecture Korea.
Yehre Suh presenting for <Emerging North Korea> symposium at AA School, London, UK.
Yehre Suh presenting for <Emerging North Korea> symposium at AA School, London, UK.
Yehre Suh selected as Board Member for the Architecture Policy Council for City of Seoul.
Yehre Suh selected as Board Member for the Architecture Policy Council for City of Seoul.
Yehre Suh invited as juror for <Borders / Korean DMZ / Underground Bathhouse> International Competition by Out Loud Journal. Other jurors include Minsuk Cho, Stan Allen, Moon Hoon, Lola Shepperd
Yehre Suh invited as juror for <Borders / Korean DMZ / Underground Bathhouse> International Competition by Out Loud Journal. Other jurors include Minsuk Cho, Stan Allen, Moon Hoon, Lola Shepperd, Jing Liu.
Presentation at Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation for <Dasan New City Gateway Project> in Namyang, Gyeonggi-do
Presentation at Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation for <Dasan New City Gateway Project> in Namyang, Gyeonggi-do
Awarded Special Prize for Nodeul Dream Island International Competition, Lead Design by Yehre Suh
Awarded Special Prize for Nodeul Dream Island International Competition, Lead Design by Yehre Suh
<Creative Productions: Creative Possibilities Between the Formal and Informal Urban Fabric of Asian Cities> Symposium organized by Yehre Suh, sponsored by the Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea
<Creative Productions: Creative Possibilities Between the Formal and Informal Urban Fabric of Asian Cities> Symposium organized by Yehre Suh, sponsored by the Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea.
Yehre Suh presenting at the Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos Conference at University of Hong Kong.
Yehre Suh presenting at the Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos Conference at University of Hong Kong.
Yehre Suh’s three series article <How They Design> published in Landscape Architecture Korea magazine, Jan, Feb, Mar, 2016 issues.>
Yehre Suh’s three series article <How They Design> published in Landscape Architecture Korea magazine, Jan, Feb, Mar, 2016 issues.>
Asia Urbanism archive exhibition curated by Yehre Suh opens at the Asia Culture Center Library Park in Gwangju, Korea.
Asia Urbanism archive exhibition curated by Yehre Suh opens at the Asia Culture Center Library Park in Gwangju, Korea.
Urban Terrains Lab direct the <Everyday Space Workshop> DMZ Studio sponsored by SNU GSES in the town of Donsong, Cheolwon, Korea, 15.8.10-8.14.
Urban Terrains Lab direct the <Everyday Space Workshop> DMZ Studio sponsored by SNU GSES in the town of Donsong, Cheolwon, Korea, 15.8.10-8.14.
Asia Culture Center opens in Gwangju, Korea. Yehre Suh is the curator of Asia Urbanism at the ACC Archive.
Asia Culture Center opens in Gwangju, Korea. Yehre Suh is the curator of Asia Urbanism at the ACC Archive.
Yehre Suh invited for talk at Storefront for Art and Architecture <Reading Images: Crow’s Eye View> event on Sept 9th 7pm with Alessandro Belgiojoso, Nick Bonner, Marco Bruno, Minsuk
Yehre Suh invited for talk at Storefront for Art and Architecture <Reading Images: Crow’s Eye View> event on Sept 9th 7pm with Alessandro Belgiojoso, Nick Bonner, Marco Bruno, Minsuk Cho, Hyungmin Pai and Dongwoo Yim in NYC.
<Crow’s Eye View: The Korean Peninsula> exhibition in NYC at Tina Kim Gallery on Sept 10 – Oct 17. Opening on Sept 10th 6pm
<Crow’s Eye View: The Korean Peninsula> exhibition in NYC at Tina Kim Gallery on Sept 10 – Oct 17. Opening on Sept 10th 6pm
Linear Urbanism Conference at SNU GSES on October 12, 2015, co-organized by Yehre Suh and Kyongjin Cho. Participants Junghan Bae, Jin Baik, Marc Brossa, Kwangjoong Kim, Saehoon Kim, Taehyung Kim, Blaz
Linear Urbanism Conference at SNU GSES on October 12, 2015, co-organized by Yehre Suh and Kyongjin Cho. Participants Junghan Bae, Jin Baik, Marc Brossa, Kwangjoong Kim, Saehoon Kim, Taehyung Kim, Blaz Krinik, Alban Mannisi, Heeyun Yoon.
<Everyday Space Workshop> part of the Real DMZ project exhibition at Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea, 15.8.29-11.29.
<Everyday Space Workshop> part of the Real DMZ project exhibition at Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea, 15.8.29-11.29.
Yehre Suh’s book <Imagined Border Spaces> to be published in 2017.12. by Hyunsil Publishing Co.
Yehre Suh’s book <Imagined Border Spaces> to be published in 2017.12. by Hyunsil Publishing Co.
Yehre Suh’s article <Freedom Machines, Love, Home, and ‘Good’ Atmosphere: Affective Labor and Housing Architecture> to be published in Architectural Critics Community, Summer 2
Yehre Suh’s article <Freedom Machines, Love, Home, and ‘Good’ Atmosphere: Affective Labor and Housing Architecture> to be published in Architectural Critics Community, Summer 2017 Issue
Yehre Suh invited to moderate panel with Saskia Sassen, Indy Johar, Katja Schechtner, Keun Lee for the Seoul International Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism Symposium on October 26-27, 2015. Ot
Yehre Suh invited to moderate panel with Saskia Sassen, Indy Johar, Katja Schechtner, Keun Lee for the Seoul International Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism Symposium on October 26-27, 2015. Other participants include Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Hyungmin Pai, Minsuk Cho, Aaron Betsky, Beatriz Colomina, Mark Wigley, Joseph Grima, Seung H-Sang,Francisco Sanin, Vishaan Chakrabarti and organized by the City of Seoul